Was going to write a pitch to some TechCrunch writers tonight. Did some research, found one to approach, and tried to explain “what Write.as does,” but lost interest. I initially wanted to talk about how strong the privacy protections are, or how we're proving the model that you can run an anonymous or pseudonymous community. I think that'd make an interesting story.

But then I started thinking about what the guy I talked to yesterday asked: “How is this different from something like Medium?” I had responded about the subtleties, like that we're writing-first, they're reading-first. He said “hm,” and mentioned that they're more of a media company. There was no lightbulb. So tonight I changed tactics and started going with “Write.as is the starting point when you want to publish something online.” Because you can connect to social media, publish everywhere, etc. And while that description sounds unique and nice and cool, it's really not what I love about the product (I don't even remember why I added that functionality). And it's used by a small amount of people, but it's not significant. It doesn't play a large strategic part in the overall product, besides being able to boil down the product to that one unique feature.

I don't know. I'm tired now. Maybe there's something there and it'll be more interesting to me in the morning.